

My thoughts on a climate crisis

26 months ago

Salut mes amis,

I woke up and I thought it was an ordinary morning like always, but as soon as I opened my window I realized that nothing will be the same as before. This will be the new reality and daily life, because destruction is inevitable and irreversible: gray ashes were falling everywhere from the sky. Everywhere around Athens is on fire and unfortunately this is not a warning for our wrong actions, but a fatal result for the flora and fauna of many areas. 

The greek media bombard the citizens every day with conspiracies for political and social issues arised from the dozens of fires fronts that have been lit all over Greece, and they only manage to misinform and disorient us from the real lesson and impact of this massive climate crisis. Journallists are constantly talking about burned property and houses. Although I understand the human grief and despair and the social and economic consequences of such a catastrophe, my interest is primarily on nature, because people are the ones who have led to this inability to control the fire. 

With our irresponsible behaviour towards the planet, the pointless and reckless consumption of energy and natural resources and the increase of the planet's temperature, it was a natural and logical consequence to reach this state. Hundreds of thousands of acres of forests were burned, animals were burned alive, the second largest island of Greece was almost completely burned while so many other areas throughout Greece were burned. We grieve and get upset with others, and we do not think about what we did wrong in the first place! Each of us has led to this huge ecological crisis from which nature will never recover. Residents will receive benefits, compensation and state aid, but burned planet and forests will never return and recover. 

By writing this article, what I want to highlight above all is the consequences that our behaviour has on the planet and also I want to urge you to take personal action so that we do not lead to such a crisis again, because no matter how much we are being prepared, we cannot escape the force of nature. Last but not least, it is encouraging to see international partenship and co-operation in controlling, reducing and eliminating fire, but where was that help in the case of Turkey? It is not all political and social issues, there are even more important issues: our planet!

Soyons plus responsable, Konstantinos.


